The Kidneys
The kidneys are paired organs that produce urine. They are responsible for removing any excess water and wastes from the blood.
Kidney Cancer:
There are several types of kidney cancer
Most kidney cancers are discovered during imaging for other medical concerns and thus most are found before any symptoms develop.
Surgery is the most common treatment for kidney cancer and involves either partial or total removal of the affected kidney. For advanced cancers, systemic therapy including targeted therapy is sometimes needed.
Kidney Stones:
A kidney stone is a hardened collection minerals that form in the urine. There are many types of kidney stones but typically are the result of an imbalance in urine chemistry. Common symptoms of kidney stones include back pain, nausea, vomiting, and blood in the urine.
Smaller stones can often pass out of the body on their own with plenty of fluid intake, but larger stones may need surgical treatment. There are several surgical options available depending on the size and location of the stone.
Sometimes additional testing and medication are needed for patients that are frequent kidney stone formers.